
Monday 14 March 2011

bDay On NovEMbeR mom have bore me at 3 NOVEMBER fb have too many talk about secret month of talk about our behaviour,plus and minus in our self, what we can proud with our self n what is our character...actually this article i have copy i this link..
so if have other follower want serve their birth mont can view this link...and now i want 2 show my secret month of born...huhuhu....enjoy it.....:)

  • Banyak idea dalam perkara.
  • Sukar untuk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya.
  • Berfikiran kehadapan.
  • Berfikiran unik dan bijak.
  • Penuh dengan idea-idea baru yang luarbiasa.
  • Pemikiran yang tajam.
  • Daya firasat yang sangat halus dan tinggi.
  • Sesuai jadi seorang doktor.
  • Cermat dan teliti.
  • Personaliti yang dinamik.
  • Sifat yang berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia.
  • Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra.
  • Berani, pemurah setia dan banyak kesabaran.
  • Terlalu degil dan keras hati.
  • Apabila berkehendak sesuatu, akan diusahakan sehingga berjaya.
  • Tak suka marah kecuali digugat.
  • Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain.
  • Pandai muhasabah diri.
  • Cara berfikir yang lain dari orang lain.
  • Otak yang sangat tajam.
  • Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
  • Tidak hargai pujian.
  • Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yang sangat tinggi apabila berkehendak sesuatu.
  • Cuba sampai berjaya.
  • Badan yang sasa.
  • Kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam dan romantik.
  • Tidak pasti dengan hubungan kasih sayang.
  • Suka duduk d irumah.
  • Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi.
  • Amanah, jujur, setia dan pandai berahsia.
  • Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi.
  • Bercita-cita tinggi.
  • Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah

..eye's style..

today too many girl,womens,females like to make up their eye's..that's why  women's today are georgeous.. huhuhuhu...they all want to be a beauty ni the beast..wah...caya la...including me...wahahaahahaa....
 have many style their to make their eye's beauty... and sometimes it look like OVER...yyeerrkkk... very jerk..
actually from eye's it will go throught down to the hearth..that's why man easily fall in love with some girl that have their own style..especially thier eye's...right gguurrlllzzz????wahhh....
now we check this out with 4 photo example of beuty make eye"s..enjoy it....:)

Saturday 12 March 2011

them make me proud

taaaddaaaaa.....them make me proud???? huurrmmmm.... heeeeheeehee...that word just a mention only..huhuhu.. did u know who's that make me proud??actually proud being a women la kan,,..heeehee.. here let me present to u....FAZURA n TIZ ZAQYAH......yyeehhhaaaa!!!..both of them is georgeous,beautifull, nice, brave, have own stail and so on...waaahhhh.....actually i have a request to both of them...hheehhee...
eerrmmm,,,,i want take a photo with them..stop,stop,stop...dont laugh at me ok...awas u all taw... actually i dont know when ia akan termakbul..hhuurrmmm...
even they have controvercy in their carier,but i beleive that they are is a kind people n dont want it happen to them too.i have upload their pic from google image..n i have upload here...check this out..yeeaahhh!!!

                                   tiz zaqyah  in the house huhuhu :)

                                                and now fazura mmuuaahhh :)


easy way to make your hair tidy

hope this clip help us make a simple hair stail with stick bun and without stick bun.Any stail will be update later.have fun....hehehhee

with hair stick bun

without hair stick bun